Saturday, January 15, 2011

Heaven & Time

I've been thinking today about heaven, as a result of lying awake at night trying to picture things such as eternity (never will get my head around that).  What I find scary is that in eternity there is no such dimension as time.  Here on earth, time rules. For people in the city, time flies as their goal is largely to build as much wealth in their short working life as possible.

Goals, I believe, are a part of what drives us.  We plan to achieve goals in certain periods of time, whether that be cooking dinner, buying a home, taking the gospel to people or solving world poverty.  Without goals life would be pretty boring.  Just like the Sims. Once you've built the house, reached the top career level, had a family, the Sims suddenly has no appeal.

Christians won't have these kinds of goals in heaven as far as I know, and if there's no time to make goals in, what will we spend eternity doing?  I nearly said days.... Anyway we do have clues of course, we'll definitely get to meet our maker face to face, and worship and glorify Him as He deserves.  Off the top of my head, there will be work to do.  But back to what I've been dwelling on today, heaven without time and the many things that affects.  Here are a few questions:

  • Will food go off?
  • Will our hair grow?
  • How long will it take to do anything?
  • And my brain has stopped working but you get the picture. 

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